Features That Make Your Life Easier

Create a Prescription

Save your favorite recipe templates quickly and easily

Prescription Printing

Print your templates with one click and deliver them to your patients instantly

Saved Prescription Search

Search your recipe templates with the quick search feature

Adding Suggestions & Warnings

Make your prescriptions more reliable by adding suggestions and warnings to your prescriptions

Saving as PDF

Save your prescriptions as PDF and keep them accessible whenever you want

Free Trial

Try it now with a free trial


Choose The Most Suitable Package For You

Start with the Standard package and upgrade to the Premium package to discover all Dora's advanced features.


₺0 / Yearly
Access to the disease diagnosis and treatment information page
Access to Prescription Templates
Creating your own recipe
Modifying/editing existing recipes
Creating patient information alerts
Adding warnings and suggestions to medications
Replacing drugs in registered prescription samples with their equivalents
Drug database access
Receipt Printout
Try Free


₺690 / Yearly
Access to the disease diagnosis and treatment information page
Access to Prescription Templates
Creating your own recipe
Modifying/editing existing recipes
Creating patient information alerts
Adding warnings and suggestions to medications
Replacing drugs in registered prescription samples with their equivalents
Drug database access
Receipt Printout

Contact Us

Contact us for any questions, suggestions or assistance requests

Try Dira for Free!

Try it now to start creating your recipe templates

Docdira © 2023
Docdira is a Vademecum Project.